What story is your life telling you? What story is your life telling others?
We are working through the letter James wrote to the early church. It is amazing how it continues to speak into our lives now.
We finished Chapter 2 last Sunday, as we work through the entire letter this summer. Feel free to join us any of the Sundays through now to the end of July to see what James has to say.
Last Sunday, James basically asked the very questions I just raised. What story is your life telling you? What story is your life telling others?
James writes,
14 My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can’t save anyone, can it? 15 Imagine a brother or sister who is naked and never has enough food to eat. 16 What if one of you said, “Go in peace! Stay warm! Have a nice meal!”? What good is it if you don’t actually give them what their body needs? 17 In the same way, faith is dead when it doesn’t result in faithful activity.18 Someone might claim, “You have faith and I have action.” But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.
When you believe and trust God with your life, it shows. Your compassion for others will be obvious. You will give in ways that surprises even yourself. Why? Because through Jesus you have been given so much.
What story is your life telling?
If you are always finding the negative or complaining, that tells a story. If you are always wanting more, that tells a story. If you are looking down on the people around you, that tells the story. If you are looking down on yourself, that tells a story.
I doubt any of those stories are ones you want to tell.
If you have been with us from the beginning, you already heard this before, but it is worth repeating. Who is your biggest cheerleader in your life’s story? From James 1:
2 My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy. 3 After all, you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 Let this endurance complete its work so that you may be fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing. 5 But anyone who needs wisdom should ask God, whose very nature is to give to everyone without a second thought, without keeping score. Wisdom will certainly be given to those who ask.
God is full of grace. God is at work in your life. God wants to see you “fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.” All of our lives at some point and time are going to communicate a story we might not want them to tell.
What can you do?
You can always turn to God.
You can ask for His help.
You can ask for His forgiveness.
You can choose to love.
You can choose to give thanks.
You can follow Jesus Christ.
Your story is still being written and God wants to be part of it! I think that is pretty awesome, and I hope you do too!
Blessings, Matt
(All scripture cited above from Common English Bible Copyright © 2011)