Here are a few important questions I’ve likely asked you before. Do you know that you matter? Do you know that you are loved? Do you know that God is at work in your life?
We recently finished a conversation around biblical unity during our Sunday morning gatherings. One of the ways for us all to be united is to see how we are all so very important to one another.
God has designed all of us ultimately to love as Jesus loves. It’s why you are here.
Sure, we often see our faults, our sin. We realize how imperfect we are, and we wonder how we could ever love as Jesus loves. On our own, we can’t. It’s only through trusting the work of Jesus Christ that we are transformed and made new.
To help you in this process, we recently made a short video course that can help walk you through this some more.
We encourage you to sign up for this free course, as it offers video lessons and downloadable handouts over the duration of three days. It is our hope as you work through this short class that you will be able to see how you can answer “yes” to all the questions above!
Pastor Matt
PS - We too easily forget that we matter, we are loved, and God is at work in our lives. One of the reasons we come together on Sunday mornings is to help us remember! We would love to connect with you and have you join us as we continue to live this out together.