We had a rather interesting experience last week at Barntiz. The roof blew off.
As bad as it was, we were very fortunate for a number of reasons. The metal roof stayed next to the building, and it did not create further damage to neighboring properties. It was not raining when it happened. Before this even happened, the chair of our trustees came home a week early. We were fortunate to have him here to get things moving right away. We were fortunate too that the insurance company moved fast, and the trustees were able to get a contractor looking at it the same day.
Many thanks to those of you who came out to see if we needed any help. Thank you to all of those who commented on Facebook, called on the phone or said something in person. I was by amazed by how many people knew that it happened. Of course, the nice write up in The Sentinel helped a little too.
People applied different “images” to what happened. Some made me chuckle when they made a reference to my preaching having something to do with this. Others made reference to God trying to “get them.”
Here is the image that I love. God is calling us to Connect People to Christ’s Love, to take the love of Christ out of the building and into the community. This we are doing.
So far this this year, together with Mt. Zion:
We have donated items to Carlisle Cares and a ministry in downtown Harrisburg.
We have helped local schools receive some needed supplies.
We have groups of people meeting weekly in Sunday School, Bible Study and Journey Groups. They meet to see how and where God is at work in their lives.
We have seen groups of people go and serve at Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation, Mission Central and at Barnitz where once a month they have a dinner for seniors without a partner (SWAP).
We are working on other upcoming events too: Sportsmen’s Banquet, Pot Pie Supper, Easter Egg Hunts, Chicken BBQ, Basement Sale and a Fishing Derby.
Wow, even being spread between two locations, maybe the roof blew off because all of this could not be contained in the building?
Check out our website www.bmzcarlisle.com for upcoming events. Please know you are always welcome. We would love for you to connect with us.
Pastor Matt