May 28, 2020
Todd McMichen
Director of LifeWay Generosity
May 26, 2020
By what lens are you seeing?
Pastor Matt Plant from Barnitz and Mt. Zion churches
May 21, 2020
Pastor Daniel Murray
Mt. Holly Church of God
May 19, 2020
Dr. Joy Buchanan
Assistant Professor in the Brock School
of Business at Samford University in Birmingham, AL
May 14, 2020
What if what you LOVE could change the world?
Pastor Matt Plant from Barnitz and Mt. Zion churches
May 12, 2020
Can you be a wealthy Christian?
Pastor Matt Plant from Barnitz and Mt. Zion churches
May 7, 2020
Chris Widener
America's number one influence and impact strategist
May 5, 2020
Ready to get back to NORMAL?
Pastor Matt Plant from Barnitz and Mt. Zion churches
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