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Thoughts on Sin

Wendy Bream

In our last post, we asked for some feedback. We asked for some questions you may find yourself wrestling with as we want these posts to be something you find helpful. One question that came back to us pertained to the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church.  

I acknowledge this topic raises many questions.  Let’s take a look at two questions: Does sin define God?  And, does sin, specifically sin committed against us, define us?    

We believe sin came into this world.  God did not have sin in mind. However, we, humanity, brought sin in through our selfish desires.  Sin is horrific. Sin brings with it hurt, pain, sorrow, and death. Sin speaks a lie. It says we will feel better or have a better life, if we do this or have something we don’t currently have.  

The Bible says we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.  It is only by God’s grace any of us are saved, made right before God, to be in relationship with Him. 

God is love.  God is not defined by sin.  He could’ve turned His back on all of us, but He didn’t.  Paul writes in Philippians 2:

5 Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus: 6 Though he was in the form of God, he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit. 7 But he emptied himself by taking the form of a slave and by becoming like human beings. When he found himself in the form of a human, 8 he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

God entered the world, a world full of sin.  He was beaten, hung on the cross and died. 

We are not defined by other people’s sin committed against us.  Christ’s love, His death and resurrection, says that we are defined by what He says about us, not what anyone may or may not have done to us.  We are not corrupted. We are not made imperfect. Christ’s love says that we are made perfect in Him. Christine Cain shares a powerful testimony to this.  You can Google her name and find it in many different places, but here is one place to watch it. Caution, she does share some details that may be difficult to hear. 

I realize this doesn’t answer all of the questions you may have on this topic.  What I hope you hear is that God doesn’t turn His back on sin. Sin doesn’t define God or put Him in a box, and sin doesn’t have to define us either.  

You are loved.  You matter to God.  God is at work through your life.

Blessings, Pastor Matt

P.S.  How can we help you see how Christ’s love impacts all of your life? You may reach out to us with your questions by replying to this email or through the Contact Us page on our website.  

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23 Church Lane, Carlisle PA 17015
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Mt. Zion
Crossroads Church

420 Park Drive, Carlisle PA 17015
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10:45am (Wings of Praise) *

* Fifth Sundays the 10:45am worship service is off

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