Combined Worship Service
at Barnitz Pavilion!
Sunday, September 11th
Come join us for an outdoor worship service with great friends and fellowship! Barnitz UMC will be hosting the event in their pavilion* located at 23 Church Lane, Carlisle. Lawn chairs are encouraged. We are excited to have Kerry White in attendance sharing music and leading us in song!
As we wrap up the worship service, the fellowship continues as there will be a luncheon afterwards! Barnitz will provide the main dish, with side dishes and desserts being requested.
To help us know how much food to prepare, please sign-up by September 4th at Barnitz, Mt. Zion, or Mt. Holly Springs churches. You may also sign-up by contacting the church office at 717-486-4280.
*In the event of rain, the worship service will be moved into the Sanctuary.